Heal your cycle starter kit

Welcome to the Healing your cycle naturally starter kit

You made it! Hi! Here’s what’s included in your Healing your cycle naturally starter kit:

  • Video Lessons: There are two video lessons:

    • Cycle health 101: Covers the basics we should all have been taught about our anatomy. Going into different cycle phases and how they impact you.

    • Hormone disruptors: Covers different kinds of hormone disruptors we can come into contact with. Both external and internal. We also cover how to approach healing your cycle naturally.

  • Guides

    • Eating with your cycle nutrition guide: This guide looks at what foods you should be focusing on depending on where you are in your cycle. This approach helps support your body in what it needs to function optimally. There are meal ideas along the way with delicious looking pictures.

    • Skincare for hormonal breakouts guide and planner: If you’ve ever felt lost about what to look for in your skincare routine, this one is for you. We cover what causes hormonal breakouts (hint: it's likely not what you’re currently putting on your face), how to avoid hormone disruptors in our products, and what to focus on instead.

  • Eclipsic Herbs newsletter:

    • Once a month or so you’ll get an email from me sharing my thoughts, herbal shop news, sales, and anything else I think might be worth sharing.

Eating with your cycle nutrition guide

The biggest support you can give your body is through food

A practical guide to understanding how your hormones affect you, what they are doing, and how to best support your cycle using food. There is a breakdown by phase and each food is selected with your body's needs in mind. There are also meal ideas along the way to get you started.

What’s even going on in your cycle?

In this lesson, we’ll start off by going over some common myths and misconceptions like how our “period is supposed to be painful” or what a “normal” cycle length is.

Then we’ll cover a brief overview of what’s going on in your cycle during each phase and what cervical fluid is.

Lets talk hormone disruptors

Now we’ll go over a few of the most common hormone disruptors like chronic stress, gut imbalances, etc. and how to best approach rebalancing our cycles naturally.

Skincare for hormonal breakouts guide + worksheet

Skincare routine guide when struggling with hormonal breakouts

A guide on how hormonal acne occurs, what to look for in a skincare routine, and how to avoid endocrine disruptors in our skincare. Included is also a skincare routine planner.

If you’d like to work together consider scheduling a meet and greet or check out the Cycle Heal package for a full description of what it could be like to work together

Wishing you the best,
