Your cycle is your compass not your shackle
Growing up, we are led to believe that we shouldn’t talk about our periods. That we should hide our menstrual products and take hormonal birth control for our cramps. We are told by our society that periods are taboo. Not to talk about sex, and you shouldn’t care about your hormones unless you want to reproduce.
What if I told you that period pain is common, but not normal. That ovulation (what happens in the middle of your cycle) is key to not only your hormonal health, but also in avoiding pregnancy.
What if instead of resenting our bodies, we let them guide us
What can we learn from our cycles?
What type of hormonal imbalance we have (yea there are different types)
Some clues into what can be causing the hormone imbalances
A comprehensive understanding of our bodies, which is key in avoiding pregnancy
Clues into how we can live cyclically with our own rhythm instead of societies.
So how do we learn from our cycle?
Through Cycle Mapping!
Cycle Mapping is a way to track your cycle so that you can keep track of:
How long your follicular phase is vs your luteal phase
This tells you a lot about your hormonal balance
If and when ovulation is happening
Once again being key in your hormonal health
If what you're doing to support your health is actually helping or not
It gives you direct feedback into when to be more careful when having sex
Understanding our bodies is a form of rebellion
How plants can help us on our journey
Whether you’ve been struggling with a hormonal imbalance, painful periods, spotting, or wanting to jumpstart a late period. Herbs can support us in so many ways.
After struggling with a hormonal imbalance for six years, it was herbs that helped clear up my hormonal acne.
I found herbalism while looking for natural ways to balance my hormones. It wasn’t until my 2nd year of studying that I figured out why it’s so hard to “balance hormones”. It’s because each person and each cycle is unique. No one herb or one herbal blend will work for everyone because we each have unique needs. And those needs should be supported differently.
That’s why combining Cycle Mapping and plant medicine helps you better understand your body's needs.
Why your cycle
should matter
This should be common sense. But on my journey of healing from my chronic cystic acne, I was often brushed off for wanting to get to the root cause. That being my hormones. I was told to just try other hormonal birth controls unless I wanted children.
When in reality our cycle is key in our bone, breast, cardiovascular, brain, digestive health. We are cyclical beings. Our whole health depends on the ebb and flo of estrogen to progesterone. So to say that our cycle doesn’t matter unless we want to reproduce is just plain false.
As someone who doesn’t want children, I thought it was great when I wouldn’t get my periods for months at a time. I thought being infertile was ideal. But what I was never taught is that our cycles are a reflection of our overall health.
Now as a certified Fertility Awareness educator, I teach that your cycle health is even more important because it lets you see when to be more careful in your cycle. It’s easier to track when your hormones are balanced and your cycles are regular.
Don’t let others make you unhealthy when the answers you’re looking for can be found by connecting with your body
Start learning about your cycle
This is a self paced class series teaching you how to start charting your cycle in detail. Talking about different hormonal imbalances, anatomy, how hormones work, and many many examples.
Cycle Mapping class series
This is a self paced class series that teaches you how to chart your cycle to avoid pregnancy. This series has the same foundations as the Cycle Mapping series, doing a deeper dive in how conception occurs and what rules we can follow to avoid.
Embodied birth control class series